Foundation A.F.V.O.M.S.
About A.F.V.O.M.S.
Foundation A.F.V.O.M.S.
The foundation A.F.V.O.M.S. helps young and talented music students through gifts. The students have to study in one of the music universities (conservatorium) in the Netherlands. We are not one of the larger funds and therefore we do not give grants for the cost of the education or subsidies for the cost of living or other general expenses.
We assist students with the purchase of new musical instruments or other material necessary for your studies such as for example new strings. Our grants are usually between EUR 250 and EUR 1500 per student.
We know that such grants are usually not sufficient to finance a new instrument and therefore we often collaborate with other funds and foundations to arrange the total sum necessary.
If you want to apply for a grant from A.F.V.O.M.S. please mention in your application which other funds you have approached and for what amount. If you have already received certain grants please also let us know as this could help you to obtain a (positive) reply from us.
The board of A.F.V.O.M.S. convenes approximately 4 times per year. Please give us at least 3 months to handle your application.